About Us

An international fraternity with approx. 10,500 friars in over 100 countries.
Our works are an expression of who we are.
We are a Catholic religious order of priests and brothers committed to living the gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Inspired by the life and writings of St Francis of Assisi, we strive to authentically live a life of prayer, fraternity and ministry as brothers in simplicity, humility and joy.
The Capuchin friars in Australia
After making a contribution to the pioneering days of the Church mainly in the Diocese of Armidale, the Capuchins came to Australia following the Second World War to establish the Order.
They took up work among the post-war European migrants and began the formation of those who came to join the Capuchins.
Today the Capuchins live in fraternities in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Adelaide. They undertake various works of evangelization (proclaiming the Gospel) including parish activity, assistance to migrants and other apostolates.
Our Founder: Fr. Vincent Ryan OFM Cap.
JAMES AUGUST “VINCENT de PAUL” RYAN (1) was born in Sydney on the 12th July 1923, the first son of Vera and James Ryan. He was educated by the Christian Brothers.
The Capuchins had arrived in Sydney in 1946. On November 4th there was a Civic Reception held for them in Leichhardt Town Hall. Two years later James August Ryan “Vincent” joined the Capuchins and was sent to New Jersey to do his novitiate. He was Perpetually Professed on the 24th July 1954. He did his studies in the Province of Pennsylvania at Capuchin College Washington DC.
When his studies were completed he returned to Sydney, where he was ordained by Cardinal Gilroy, on the 30th July 1955, in St. Mary’s Cathedral; Fr. Vincent De Paul Ryan was the first Australian Capuchin.
From 1962-1991 he was in charge of and responsible for the Seraphic Mass Association and Capuchin Mission Office, which he started, modelling the office on that of the Pittsburgh province.
He had a heart attack on the morning of 5th December 1991. His funeral at St. Fiacre’s Church in Leichhardt was presided by the first Capuchin Bishop of Mendi, Bishop Firmin Schmidt OFM Cap.
(1) This life story can be found in the Necrology of Friars who have worked in the Province of Australia, Handbook of the Capuchin Franciscan Friars of Australia 2003.
The Capuchin Mission Office: Overview
“The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature” (Vatican II, AG 2)
The Mission Office of the Province of the Assumption is located at 96 Catherine Street, Leichhardt NSW. We seek to develop and promote:
- Mission awareness, seeking to give both spiritual and material support to the Capuchin missions.
- The Seraphic Mass Association as a spiritual treasure of Masses, Holy Communions, Prayers and Penance
- Capuchin missions fundraising, especially for the missions engaged in some form of collaboration with the Australian province, both historically and current, such as PNG, Africa and Timor Leste.
- Collaboration with the Development Office and Padre Pio Promotion. This allows for a sharing of personal, workspace and equipment, and a coordination in fundraising and use of donor databases that are respectful of the donors.
For more information please contact us.